Thanks to all who joined our Pizzapalooza on Friday. What a fun event. We had over 85 attendees; that's a lot of people in our small-ish library. The pizza was very good (Thank you Village Green!) and enjoyed by all. Thank you very, very much to Matt and Robert Bates for being our lemonade makers for the evening. Who knows how many gallons of lemonade they made and carried up the stairs. They kept everyone quenched. Ms. Eileen looked adorable in her pizza costume, didn't she? And, while I didn't get to witness the pizza stories, I could hear lots of laughter and fun cheers. Thank you also to Nancy Woods, our fearless leader for indulging the slightly unorthodox programming whims of Ms. Eileen and Ms. Patty, and also for manning the circulation desk along with Sandy Bates during the event. A word of thanks also to those patrons who found themselves surrounded by a bit of chaos when they merely wanted a book or DVD. Most of all, congratulations to the children for all the great reading they did this month and taking the time to "Take-Out a Good Book". Keep it up.
Ms. Patty
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