Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I can't help it, I'm loud. I grew up in a family with 5 siblings, all very close in age and we had to talk over each other to be heard. We talked loudly and made music loudly and played loudly. Recently I was reminded that I do work in a library and probably should try to not be so loud. So it made me laugh when I saw a new book by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Renata Liwska, collaborators of "The Quiet Book", called "The Loud Book".

Just like their previous book, "The Loud Book" is beautifully illustrated with a cast of friendly animals done in gentle pencil and brush strokes. There is humor and charm as the animals make and experience loud noises, like alarm clocks ringing, things dropping, and even whistling. (You know how I love to whistle!) As the book states, "Just like there are lots of quiets, there are also lots of louds." I look forward to having this book in the library and sharing it at storytime.

(And by the way, if you hear me being loud just remind me to use my "library voice". Thanks. Ms. Patty)

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