On Wednesday this "prodigious purveyor of positive pirating" will be entertaining and informing us. As Captain Papillion himself says, "Let Us Be About Adventure and UnPlundering of the Good Earth & the Sea! That's Right Matey! KidPirates is Great Piratey fun! And along the way We Celebrate Our Great but Tiny Ship~ the Earth ~ Sailing upon the Deep Dark Sea of Space, with Stars Speckled All About! She is our Ship Maties, and we will learn to well care for her while we, of course, Sing Our Pirate Songs and Dance Our Pirate Dances All Along the Way!
See you all there and feel free to wear your best pirate gear.
(I'm especially excited because Papillion has some wonderful children's CDs that I'll will be purchasing to add to our collection. I especially like his Cajun music and I think you will too.)