Desperate for a last minute Valentine's Day book? While most of our regular holiday picture book collection is out, there are still some easy reader Valentine's Day books on the shelves. (Probably because they are shelved with the rest of the easy reader collection and not the holiday books.) JE-ER books (as we label them) are a perfect transition from picture books to chapter books. They usually have a great little storyline as well as charming characters. Ms. Eileen and I often use them in storytime for that reason. Some of the JE-ER Valentine's Day books still on the shelf this Saturday morning include:
Be My Valentine, by Rosemary Wells
Turtle and Snake's Valentine's Day, by Kate Spohn Minnie and Moo, Will You Be My Valentine, by Denys Cazet
Super Fine Valentine, by Bill Cosby A Valentine for Miss Vanilla, by Fred Ehrlich
Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine, by Marjorie Sharmat
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