At Bedtime Stories we shared stories that featured different perspectives. In "Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse", by Lindsay Barrett George two mice live in parallel worlds, coming face-to-face at the end. The illustrations are quite detailed and make this book perfect for poring over with your child. In "Bob and Otto", a worm and a caterpillar are best friends but have to follow their individual paths; a sweet story with charming illustrations. We also shared the beautiful and unique two-in-one book by Nancy Tafuri, "What the Moon Sees/What the Sun Sees". In addition, "Sam's Sandwich" (with book props), music, and action rhymes made for a fun evening. Thanks to all who came out on the cold, dreary night!
Thursday morning the Marlborough Mom's Club featured some old and new favorites including "Caps For Sale", by Esphyr Slobodkina and "The Mouse Who Ate Bananas" by Keith Faulkner and Rory Tyger. I brought out some musical instruments as well, to make for a noisy, but fun storytime. Again, thanks to all for coming.
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