Here's a look at some of the latest picture books we've ordered for RML - come find them and see for yourself!
Mr. Tiger Goes Wild by Peter Brown
Ms Patty and I drooled over the artwork on this one. I adore Peter Brown - I have a poster he signed for my daughters hanging in their room of one of my favorites, Children Make Terrible Pets.
You can read more about this one at the book blog, Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast - follow the link below.
You can also get a free downloadalbe poster of Brown's book, The Curious Garden at his website:
This adorable illustration is from the new picture book by Hope Vestergaard and David Slonim, called Digger Dozer Dumper. If you have a mini truck fan in your house, this collection of 16 rhyming poems is needed in your house! And just to drive you moms more crazy, here's link to a YouTube video with the most annoying music, that your child is sure to love:
Next up, totally awesome book by debut author Courtney Dicmas. Harold Finds A Voice is about a flashy red parrot looking for his own distinct sound. This one is all about the adorable bird and gorgeous illustrations. Check out the animated book trailer below:
Locomotive by Brian Floca
And finally, something that is called a non-fiction picture book because it is chock-full of information, following a steam-powered train as it crosses to the West in 1869. It's more than the train though - it's also about the passengers and the journey. I'm stressing about where to put this one, but I think Non-Fiction is going to win. See the whole review by Kirkus in the link below:“Nothing short of spectacular, just like the journey it describes.” — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
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