Monday, December 21, 2009
Just Breathe

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Drop and Shop!

Thank you to all the wonderful children for persevering and waiting their turns during the crafts, snacks, and games. And just for being so much fun. I hope you all slept really well that night!
Thanks to the patrons who dropped by the library on Friday and greeted the noisiest library in the state with good cheer.
Thank you to Sandy for covering the desk and running the library while happy, excited children swirled around her.
Thanks to Patrick for jumping into the fray, playing card games and chatting with some of the older boys, and cheerfully helping out in every way Ms. Eileen and I asked.
Thanks to Anna (my own wonderful, creative, extremely patient daughter) for all her help, especially teaching origami to so many children. Many children loved this activity and the library has several new origami books for children so please check them out and enjoy this calm, creative activity with your children.
Thanks to Nancy Mc., our own library page, for her loving, soothing, happy presence as she read to children, guided them through crafts, and tended to their every need. She is a true treasure of the library and everyone should give her a big thank you hug next time you see her.
And thank you to all the parents for your generous donations to the Food Bank and for entrusting your precious children with us for the afternoon.
We had a great time and may do this again. Unfortunately, a few of our teen helpers were no-shows, so next time we will definitely be sure to have more adults so that each child can have more of the individual attention she deserves.
Ms. Eileen and Ms. Patty
As a reminder, we have a "calm" drop-in storytime on Monday morning (Dec 21) at 10:00 for children ages 2-4. See you there.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Whew! We've Been Busy!

We enjoyed meeting several school-age kids to talk series books last Friday. It was a fun, lively discussion. Thanks to all who came out and for sharing your favorites.
We had a wonderful musical storytime last Wednesday ("5 killer whales!") and, again, thanks to all who showed up. I hope you are all still enjoying your jingle bell bracelets. Our Family Night of Lights was wonderful. Sorry to say, our ice luminaries were merely containers filled with water, but the paper bag and tin can luminaries lining the benches beside the library were truly a sight to behold. And boy, wasn't that hot cocoa good.
Meanwhile, Ms. Eileen continues to meet on Wednesday morning with the littlest ones for Book Tots. And today, Thursday, I'll take a storytime break from the holiday-themed events to share some of the newest picture books in the library with the Mom's Club group.
Don't forget that Friday is Drop and Shop. We're fully registered with a wait list so please call if you have to cancel your registration so we can accommodate someone else.
Our final "Enjoy December at Your Library" event will be a quiet drop-in storytime for children ages 2-4 on Monday, December 21 at 10 a.m. I'll try to make this one relaxing.
And thank you for all the holiday cheer and the gifts. We love them. As a reminder, the library will be closed for Christmas from December 24 to the 27 (Thursday-Sunday). We'll be open again on December 28.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Merry Musical Holiday

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Books for Holiday Giving

The Connecticut Library Consortium has put together its annual lists of books for holiday giving. The consortium compiles these lists with suggestions from librarians across the state.
Click here for a downloadable PDF file to see what is featured this year in for ages 0-3.
Click here for a downloadable PDF file for books for ages 3-8
I love so many of the books featured, including some I've already mentioned on this blog. Definitely check out the lists and look for many of the books in our library.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
An Old Book

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Take Me Home: Shameless Begging
Just a reminder that I am up for bid at our library's auction. You get four great classic childrens' books, heirloom worthy, AND a storytime visit from me, Ms. Patty. You can just have me come over to read to your child (I'll even do the bedtime book reading), or you can invite a few children over and I'll do a little storytime. I'll even bring my ukulele. If you'd rather, I can do a storytime for your child at the library instead.
The bid as of November 30 was 45.00 dollars. I know that's a lot of money for a family with young children BUT it is money for the library and the books alone are worth that much. Bidding ends Wednesday, December 9 at 6 p.m.
Thus ends my shameless begging and self-promotion for the day. Thank you.
The bid as of November 30 was 45.00 dollars. I know that's a lot of money for a family with young children BUT it is money for the library and the books alone are worth that much. Bidding ends Wednesday, December 9 at 6 p.m.
Thus ends my shameless begging and self-promotion for the day. Thank you.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Storytime Week 5: Favorites!

This Week's Music:
Twenty Great Kids Songs! by Music for Little People, including great songs such as "Choo Choo Boogaloo" by Buckwheat Zydeco, "All I Really Need" by Raffi, and "Swinging on a Star" by Maria Muldaur.
This Week's Books:
King Bidgood's in the Bathtub, by Audrey Wood, ill. by Don Wood
Goodnight Moon, by Margaret Wise Brown
Will You Be My Friend, by Nancy Tafuri
A Hat for Minerva Louise, by Janet Morgan Stoeke
A Boy and His Bunny, by Sean Bryan
The Story of Ferdinand, by Munro Leaf
Today I Will Fly, by Mo Willems
The Pigeon Finds a Hotdog, by Mo Willems
This Week's Action Rhymes:
1. There was a little turtle, he lived in a box
He swam in the puddles, he climbed on the rocks
He snapped at a mosquito, he snapped at a flea
He snapped at a minnow, and he snapped at me
He caught the mosquito, he caught the flea
He caught the minnow, but he didn't catch me!
2. Zoom, zoom, zoom, I'm going to the moon
If you want to take the trip, climb aboard my rocket ship
Zoom, zoom, zoom, I'm going to the moon
Plus "Two Little Blackbirds", a flannel board game, and marbelizing paper craft. See you there!
Friday, November 20, 2009

Traditions, however foolish they may be, are the glue that bind us together as a family and as a community. I believe that when everything else gets topsy-turvy, traditions can give a sense of stability and comfort, especially for children.
I'm sure you all have many fun and interesting holiday traditions and I would love to hear about them! If you are looking for some new ideas to incorporate into your family, check out the Family Fun website by clicking HERE. There you will find many fun crafts, games, and recipes.
Have a great holiday everyone. Remember that there will be no storytime sessions next week (11/23-11/27) , but Ms. Eileen and I will see you the following week (11/30-12/4) for one last storytime. See you then.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Some New Books

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Storytime Week 4: Firefighters!

"Fire!Fire! Said Mrs. McGuire, by Bill Martin Jr. and Richard Eglieski
Firefighters A to Z, by Chris Demarest
Dot the Fire Dog, by Lisa Desimini
Fire Truck, by Peter Sis
Fire Fighter Piggy Wiggy, by Christyan and Diane Fox
The Firefighters, by Sue Whiting, ill. by Donna Rawlins
A Day with Firefighters, by Jan Kottke
This Week's Music:
Our Fire Fighters, by Mary Lambert
People in Your Neighborhood, from Sesame Street, by the Hit Crew
Firefighter, by Sally's Music Circle
This Week's Action Rhymes:
1. Three brave firefighters standing in a row Ding, dong goes the bell, down the pole they go Jump on the firetruck, ready to aim the hose Climb up the ladder, Whoosh! Out the fire goes
2. This little firefighter is going to bed On the pillow she lays her head Wraps herself in her blanket tight Closes her eyes and says "good night". The fire alarm rings! She opens her eyes She quickly gets dressed and down the pole she slides. Hop on the truck, now don't be slow Off to the fire, let's go, go, go!
This Week's Craft: Our own firefighter helmets
See you there.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Big Storm

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Enjoy December at Your Library

December 2, 9, 16, Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Book Tots for ages 6-24 months with caregiver. Join Ms. Eileen for this popular storytime series sharing books and crafts. Registration Required.
December 7, Monday at 6:30 p.m. Homemade for the Holidays for adults and teens. Join our newest librarian, Cindy, for a fun evening of make-it-yourself gifts. Registration Required
December 10, Thursday at 1 p.m. Join Ms. Patty for a Merry Musical Holiday for ages 3-6. We'll listen to music, make music, and play musical games. No Registration Required
December 11, Friday at 3:30. p.m. Are You Series-ous? Ms. Eileen and Ms. Patty present great series and books for the avid and reluctant readers in grades 2nd-5th. Tell us about your favorites and learn about some of our new favorites. No Registration Required
December 14, Monday at 6 p.m.; Family Night of Lights. A fun event for whole family as we create luminaries of all types including ice luminaries and tin-can luminaries (in which you use nails and hammers!) All sorts of age-appropriate crafting for kids and families (not appropriate for children under 3). Dress warmly as we will admire our creations outside. No Registration Required.
December 18, Friday 3-6 p.m.: Drop and Shop! For ages 4-10. The Richmond elves (at least 3 adults and several teens will be on hand) will help entertain your children while you attend to last minute errands. We'll watch a movie, hear stories, make a craft and have a snack. Your child(ren) may stay for part or all of the three hours. No cost for this program, but we ask you bring a donation for the Marlborough Food Bank please. Registration Required.
December 21, Monday, 10:00 a.m.: A Quiet Storytime. For ages 2-4 (parents of 2s should plan to stay in the room for the program, other parents may stay if they wish). Your littlest ones can enjoy a quiet moment amidst the holiday hustle and bustle. No Registration Required.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Going once, going twice...

- A Kindle
- An assortment of toys for a boy or girl
- Movie Tickets
- Hair salon gift certificates
- A personal tour of the Consumer Reports testing lab
- Wine
- A fishing trip
And lots more including a package of four classic picture books and a personal storytime visit (at your home, if you choose) by me, Ms. Patty.
So come on in and bid!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Storytime Week 3: Talking a Walk

This Week's Music:
These Boots are Made For Walking, by the Sugar Beats
Walk of Life, by the Dire Straits
Walking on Sunshine, by Katrina and the Waves
This Week's Books:
Grumpy Bird, by Jeremy Tankard
Rosie's Walk, by Pat Hutchins
Oliver Finds His Way, by Phyllis Root, ill. by Christopher Dennis
Little One Step, by Simon James
I Went Walking, by Sue Williams, ill. by Julie Vivas
Tiny's Big Adventure, by Martin Waddell, ill. by John Lawrence
Let's Go Home, Little Bear, by Martin Waddell, ill. by Barbara Firth
This Week's Action Rhymes:
1 The Itsy Bitsy Spider (you know how this one goes!)
2 Here is our world, our big round world
Here are the mountains high
Here are the fish that swim in the sea
And here are the birds that fly
Here is the sun, the bright warm sun
And here are the leaves that fall
All in our world, our big round world
Go explore and see it all!
Plus we'll do some painting with odd looking brushes. See you there.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Thanksgiving Books

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Enjoy December at Your Library

Click HERE to go to Richmond Memorial Library's calendar page to learn more. We'll have more details on this blog and at the library as events get closer. Or call 295-6210.
Come enjoy December at your library!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Storytime Week 2: Squirrels

This Week's Music:
Peep Squirrel, traditional, sung by Pete Seeger and Family
Hop Old Squirrel, by MyTunes
Donguri/Rolling Acorn, by Lisa Loeb
This Week's Books:
The Busy Little Squirrel, by Nancy Tafuri
Nuts to You! by Lois Ehlert
A Good Day, by Kevin Henkes
Moon Glowing, by Elizabeth Partridge, ill. by Joan Paley
Squirrels by Brian Wildsmith
Scaredy Squirrel, by Melanie Watt
Pumpkin Soup, by Helen Cooper
This Week's Action Rhymes:
1 Grey squirrel, grey squirrel
Swish your bushy tail
Grey squirrel, grey squirrel
Swish your bushy tail
Wrinkle up your little nose
Hold a nut between your toes
Grey squirrel, grey squirrel
Swish your bushy tail
2 These are the brown leaves fluttering down, And this is the tall tree, bare and brown. This is the squirrel with eyes so bright, hunting for nuts day and night
3 Whisky, frisky, hippity-hop, up he goes to the tippity top
Whirly, twirly, round and round, down he scampers to the ground
Furly, curly, what a tail, tall as a feather, broad as a sail
Where's his supper? In a shell, Snappity, crackety, out it fell
Plus, painting with acorns! See you there.
Friday, October 30, 2009
10/30 Storytime

Also, don't forget to come by the library on Saturday to show us your costumes and to get a treat.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Two Great Parenting Classics

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Storytime Session II, Week One: Monsters!

This Week's Books:
Up Pop the Monsters, 1,2,3, by Carla Dijs
Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak
Go Away Big Green Monster, by Ed Emberley
Jeremy Draws a Monster, by Peter McCarty
Leonardo, The Terrible Monster, by Mo Willems
Glad Monster, Sad Monster, by Ed Emberley and Anne Miranda
Go To Bed, Monster, by Natasha Wing, ill. by Sylvie Kantorovitz
My Friend, the Monster, by Eleanor Taylor
When a Monster is Born, by Sean Taylor and Nick Sharratt
Under the Bed, by David Wood and Richard Fowler
This Week's Music
Monster Mash, by Andrew Gold and Linda Ronstandt
Monster Boogie, by Laurie Berkner
Monster Lullaby, by The Family Arts Theater
This Week's Action Rhymes:
1 Monster, monster, turn around. Monster, monster, touch the ground. Monster, monster, reach up high. Monster, monster, squint your eyes. Monster, monster, show your teeth. Monster, monster, stamp your feet.
2 Monster, monster, under the bed, You should go somewhere else instead! Go, Monster, go! Go, Monster, go! Go, Monster, go, go, go!
Plus a dotted monster craft and a game. See you there!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Fall Storytime Session II

Ms. Eileen and I are also planning some unique drop-in events for December. Please let us know if you have any particular interests or suggestions for programming going forward. We are more than happy to try to accomodate your requests. We'd love to hear your suggestions here on the blog or in person.
This morning I leave you with another musical discovery from the very excellent jitterbug.tv website. Here's "Do You Like To Dance?" by Uncle Brothers. My favorite line: "My mom likes to sing when she drives, when the music's playing she comes alive. She sings at the red light in the driver's seat. My mom's really old, but she's really neat."
Monday, October 19, 2009
Someone New Here at the Library

Cindy tells us that one of her favorite children's book is "Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type", by Doreen Cronin with silly pictures by Betsy Lewin. All sorts of funny and confounding things start to happen to Farmer Brown when the cows (and other barnyard animals) learn to type. A modern classic.
Friday, October 16, 2009

Someone's getting ready for Halloween! Ms. Eileen's storytime kids made very cool haunted houses today and read books about ghosts, including "Three Little Ghosties" by Pippa Goodhart, and "We're Going on a Ghost Hunt" by Marcia Vaughan. Check out our collection of Halloween books and music on display in the library now.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The First Snow

It's fun to have a first snow, but let's hope our second snow doesn't come til after Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Owls! Storytime Week 5

This Week's Music:
Owl Song, by The Bossy Frog Band
How an Owl Says Howdidoo, by Jim Stolz
Return to Pooh Corner, by Kenny Loggins
This Week's Books:
Owl Babies, by Martin Waddell
I'm Not Cute, by Jonathan Allen
Owliver, by Robert Kraus, ill. by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey
Good Night Owl! by Pat Hutchins
Olivia Owl, by Maurice Pledger
Whoo-oo Is It? by Megan McDonald, ill. by S.D. Schindler
Who Hoots? by Katie Davis
The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark, by Jill Tomlinson, ill. Paul Howard
This Week's Action Rhymes:
1 There's a wide eyed owl with a pointed nose,
Two pointed ears, and claws for toes.
He lives in a tree and when he looks at you
He flaps his wings and he says "Whoo Whoo!"
2 To whit, to whoo, he stares right through
whatever he looks at, maybe YOU!
And so whatever else you do
Don't, ever, ever, be a mouse
Or if you are, stay in your house!
3 Whooo, said the owl in the dark old tree
Whee, said the wind with a howl, wheeee
Whoo-hoo, whee-whee
They didn't scare each other,
But they sure scared ME!
This Week's Art: A Paper Plate Owl
This is the last storytime for this session. Don't forget to sign-up for Session II.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New Stuff

Also new in the library, several Halloween themed items including a Kidz Bop CD of Halloween tunes, the creative Lois Ehlert's collage-illustrated "Boo to You!" picture book, and the newest monster book by Ed Emberly, creator of the classic "Go Away Big, Green, Monster". The new one is called "There Was an Old Monster". As always, if these items are currently out to another patron, you can put a "Hold" on them and we'll call you when they come in.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Mittens, we need Mittens

First, we need your SINGLE mittens, y'know, ones that have lost their pairs. We will be putting up a bulletin board display with them at the beginning of November.
Second, if you have mittens or gloves that are too small we will happily collect them and donate them to a local charity.
So as you get out your cold weather gear keep us in mind. (There will be two boxes in Ms. Eileen's office where you can put PAIRS and SINGLES.) Thanks.
Whoo Whoo Who Whoo!

Monday, October 5, 2009
Pie! Storytime Week 4

Making Pie, by Kira Willey
Peggy's Pie Parlor Polka, by Ralph's World
Shoo Fly Pie, traditional, by Andrew and Polly
This Week's Books:
The Apple Pie Tree, by Zoe Hall, ill. by Shari Halpern
Pie in the Sky, by Lois Ehlert
All for Pie and Pie for All, by David Martin, ill. by Valeri Gorbachev
The Apple Pie that Papa Baked, by Lauren Thompson, ill. by Jonathan Bean
A Apple Pie, by Kate Greenway
Blueberry Mouse, by Alice Low
Where is the Apple Pie, by Valeri Gorbachev
Today's Action Rhymes:
I see an apple, big and round
It falls from the tree onto the ground
I pick up and wash it and cut it in two
Half for me, and half for you.
Five little pumpkins sitting on the ground The first one said, "I'm big, orange and round!" The second one said, "I'm fresh off the vine!" The third one said, "I taste divine!" The fourth one said, "I'm ready to be tasted!" The fifth one said, "Bake my seeds so they're not wasted!" Someone from the kitchen picked them up and we know why.... The five little pumpkins all became Pumpkin Pie.
Blueberry, blueberry, blueberry pie
If I don't get some, I think I'm going to cry
You can take away the grass
You can take the sky
But don't take away my blueberry pie!
Today's Craft: Pie Playdough!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Kevin Henkes

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Snakes! Storytime Week 3

Don't Ever Step On a Snake, by Don Spencer
Sammy the Snake, by Sesame Street
Spiders and Snakes, by Jim Stafford
This Week's Books:
Hide and Snake, by Keith Baker
Mouse Count, by Ellen Stoll Walsh
Help! by Holly Keller
I Need a Snake, by Lynne Jonell, ill. by Petra Mathers
Crictor, by Tomi Ungerer
Slithery Jake, by Rose-Marie Provencher, ill. by Abby Carter
This Week's Action Rhymes:
I'm going to slither like a rattlesnake Over the rocks and under the tree I'm going to slither like a rattlesnake And see what a rattlesnake sees! (Cha-cha-cha!)
Here comes a bright green garden snake Making the grass shiver and shake He raises his head, and looks around Then slithers away to his hole in the ground.
Plus a beaded snake craft and a rattlesnake sing-a-long. Ssssssssssee you there!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Orange Pear Apple Bear

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Stephen Huneck's "Sally"

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Boats, Storytime Week 2

Sloop John B., by The Beach Boys
Row, Row Medley, by Ella Jenkins
I Love to Sail, by Willy Welch
This week's fingerplay:
A sailor went to sea, sea, sea
To see what he could see, see, see
But all that he could see, see, see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea
This week's books:
The Boat in the Tree, by Tim Wynne-Jones, ill. by John Shelley
Boats, by Patricia Hubbell, ill, by Megan Halsey and Sean Addy
Mr. Gumpy's Outing, by John Burningham
Sally Goes to the Beach, by Stephen Huneck
I Love Boats, by Flora McDonnell
Harbor, and Sail Away, by Donald Crews
Plus, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, a soap boat craft, and a game
See you soon!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I just came across the best website, it's called jitterbug.tv (clickable link) and it's where you can listen to all sorts of great independent kids music. I'm getting all sorts of ideas for CDs to add to our collection just by listening at this great site. It's also enjoyable to just have some nice music playing in the background while doing other computer stuff.
Have a listen and let me know your favorites so we can add their CDs to our library collection. So far, I'm liking Dog on Fleas, The Dreyer Family Band, and Dennis Caraher. (I just started listening in the "D"s.)
Have a listen and let me know your favorites so we can add their CDs to our library collection. So far, I'm liking Dog on Fleas, The Dreyer Family Band, and Dennis Caraher. (I just started listening in the "D"s.)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
A Note from Ms. Eileen!

Just thought I would pop in to say first,what a great job you are doing with this blog, and also to let my storytime 4s & 5s know that I look forward to seeing them this Friday! We will be doing stories and other fun stuff related to "All About You" or Me, or actually, THEM!!!
Lastly, I wanted to pass on this fun event for families - unfortunately I cannot go, but if I could, I would! There is going to be a PIGEON PARTY! on Oct, 25 at the Henry Carter Hull Library in Clinton, CT. BIG WOODEN HORSE Theatre Company is putting on a musical based on author Mo Willems books (LOVE HIM!)
And wait, there's more! Tickets are FREEEEEE!!!
For further information contact the Childrens Room at Clinton's Library at 860-669-2342.
Ms. Eileen"
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